Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Actors and Factors


Public policies are the out come of interactions of many forces. The term ‘force’ refers to a person, think, belief etc. with considerable power and influences. Thus policy-making can not be properly understood apart from the environment in which it is conditioned. Policy environment is the combination of a number of actors and factors. It consists varieties of factors such as economic, social, political, geographical, demographical religious, international etc. Policy makers, consultant donors, mass people, political parties, pressure groups and many other actors are also active in policy environment.
Actors and Factors:
There are two dimensions in policy making process which are directly and indirectly influence on policy making process, these are actors and factors.


Actors mean the unified forces. These arise demand to the government according rules. Generally those components are directly play role in formulating policy and that is why these are actors.
According to Umme Kulsum Zamene, “Some of who are intimately involved in the policy process is called policy actor.
Haw left and Rosnesh divided policy actors into the categories-

1. Elected officials.
2. Appointed officials.
3. Interest group.
4. Research organization.
5. Mass media.

Peters identified four policy actors-

1. The public Bureaucracy.
2. Think tanks and shadow cabinet.
3. Interest group.
4. Congress man.

Factors mean that subjects which plays vital influence to determinate the policy making process.

According to Oxford dictionary, “Factors means one of the several things that cause influence.”
Sapru divided factors in the policy making process into two divisions such as;
1. Unofficial policy makers; are those who are not formal part of policy making process. These includes: individuals, electoral pledges, influence of the media, pressure group and po0litical parties.
2. Official policy makers; are those who have the legal authority to formulate policy. These include: legislature, executive, bureaucracy and judiciary.

The actors and Factors in policy making process:
There are many actors and factors in policy shaping process. Among from these we will discuss some common actors and factors in brief.

1. Mass media: In a democratic form of government people are the source of all power. In other words power flows from the people. Mass people express their expectations, demands and choice through representative. People initiate the process of legislation and policy making by voting for candidates whose opinions and values they know. Through legislature the representation of people frame laws and make policies.

2. Electoral pledge: Electoral pledge also has a role in policy making process. Prior to election candidates present themselves before people with electoral pledges. It is nothing but the list of activities wants to do after wining. In most of the cases these have little influences on the final selection of policies, especially in a developing country.

3. Media: The media has a great bearing on policy making process. The media creates the channel information between citizens and the government. The media can put pressure on the government by covering different news item. It can also create awareness among people about particular issues, which in turn, will influence the policy making process.

4. Pressure group: Group action is considered a more effective method than individual action for the ordinary citizen to influence the public policies. The interest group or pressure groups are important means of enhancing the impact of public opinion.

5. Cliental group: Almost every profession has a particular organization to protect its interest. The government takes inputs from these organization/groups through consultation before and during policy making. Sometimes draft policies are taken to the client group feedback.

6. Research agencies: For policy making process, relevant data/information is crucially important. The research product is often used as the basis for policy. The government has to depend on research laboratories and research institutes for data. The non government sector has a significant role in this area to provide the necessary information about concerning field.

7. Political parties: Political parties are another means of enhancing the effect of public opinion. Political parties are this regarded as important agents for establishing popular control over government and public policies. It plays an important role in reflecting the issue at stake and in setting value goals for society.

8. International context: Policy must consider the international laws and world opinion for no country can live in isolation. It is well known that different donor agencies and countries wield enormous influence on policy process and are able to make their views prevail.

9. Public opinion: Public opinion, as the concept, is used here designates expression of public attitudes or belief about various issues. Public opinion is a significant factor in policy making. More especially public plays a part in mapping the broad boundaries and direction of public policy rather than the specific content of policies.

10. Political culture: Vote rigging is a common phenomenon in these countries that means developing countries. Relation between political culture and policy making is deep and close. Because the people who are making policy are part of their culture.

11. Social system and culture: An important factor shaping the behaviour of individuals and groups in government decision making process. There are different social strata and problems in the society that have some common factors.

12. Economic system: A society’s economic system is concerned with the production, distribution and exchange of goals and services. Some economic systems are relatively simple and others are highly complex. The whole process has an important impact on the policy making process.

13. Consultant: Consultant plays an important role in policy making in most third world countries. National and international consultants are hired, generally for preparing the policy draft and giving suggestions on different policy.

Above the discussion it is very clear to us that several actors and factors make significant impact on shaping policy. So we can say actors and factors are the integral part of policy formulation process.

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